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Leg Lift Surgery

From time to time, deterioration occurs in the body due to aging, rapid weight loss or pregnancy. These distortions; They are the result of changes in the structure, shape and arrangement of collagen and aesthetic fibers in the human body. The legs, which are the parts of the body that can be limited from the groin to the sole and are used for walking, are also affected by these impairments. Due to the thinness of the skin in the inner parts of the upper legs (thighs), it is seen that sagging and loosening occur in the region, which is much more affected.

Why is Leg Lift Surgery Needed?

Due to the sagging situation, the person may not feel aesthetically well or may be uncomfortable because the skin irritation occurs due to friction while walking, and the comfort of life may deteriorate. Individuals who wish to solve this problem, restore their former comfort and desire to have an aesthetic appearance; He refers to the “Leg Lift” procedure.

What is Leg Lift Surgery?

Leg stretching; It is the name given to the operation performed to stretch the sagging in the inner parts of the upper leg, which can also be called the thigh, and to reduce the fat accumulation. The main purpose of the procedure is not to thin the entire leg area, but to remove the abundance of skin and fluctuations in the upper leg. On the other hand, aesthetic procedures such as degreasing and regional thinning can be added and applied during the operation, taking into account both the demand and the quality of the skin. Along with leg stretching surgery, tummy tuck surgery can also be performed according to the patient’s request.

What are the Leg Lift Surgery Methods?

Along with the sagging of the upper leg caused by many factors, lubrication can also be seen during the examination. Sometimes the problem can be solved by laser lipolysis or liposuction on the legs where there is fat. Thus, leg stretching aesthetics may not be needed. However, in cases where sagging is more dominant, leg stretching is applied following the diagnosis of the physician. From time to time, liposuction can be performed during the leg lift operation. This procedure can be applied because the legs of individuals whose skin types are prone to deterioration or who gain and lose weight frequently can sometimes sag at an early age. However, apart from this, the leg lift operation is usually performed on women aged 40 and over. Because as the age progresses, the problem of skin deterioration and sagging progresses and stands out aesthetically. The reason why leg lift aesthetics is performed on women is that the hips and thighs are wider and prone to sagging due to the effect of estrogen secreted in the female body.

Arm lift surgery gives an aesthetic appearance to the arms, eliminates the aesthetic concerns of the person and makes him more at peace with himself. Arm lift treatments, which enable the person to wear all short-sleeved clothes comfortably, make it possible to spend more comfortably and comfortably, especially in the hot summer months. Thanks to arm lift surgery, excessive contact between the skin and the body caused by the sagging of the arm skin is prevented and hygiene problems are eliminated. Sweating and irritation problems that occur in the sagging arm area and cause more discomfort to the person in the hot months are completely no longer a problem with successful arm lift treatments.

How is Leg Lift Surgery Performed?

The operation, which is performed under general anesthesia in the operating environment, takes an average of 1-3 hours. Liposuction is first applied to patients who are diagnosed with thick skin during the examination. Then, the sagging skin and fat tissues are surgically removed. The process is punctuated by suturing the skin by stretching. In patients with a low amount of sagging of the leg, an incision is left in the groin with a horizontal line. However, when a horizontal scar is left on skin sagging from the groin to the knee, the incision is made vertically, since that scar may progress after a while and deform the genitals. The cut in question can start from the groin and extend to the knee level.

Post-Surgery Considerations

The stitches heal within two weeks. However, the sutures should be protected until the healing process, heavy movements should not be made, and hygiene should be provided. You should rest for the first three weeks after the operation. After the third week, all sports can be done except jogging. In the first month, a corset should be worn and cotton underwear should be worn. After a month, the stitch scar starts to fade. During this process, the seam should be protected from the sun. After the sixth week, everything is free. The doctor will explain all this to the patient in detail immediately after the operation. If he strictly obeys what the doctor says, the patient’s recovery process will be much more comfortable and he will have the appearance he wants.


As the person gets older, wraps begin to form in the body areas. The skin loses its elasticity, and the fat tissue under the skin begins to decrease. In the areas where these effects occur, skin sagging begins to appear. If aging is accompanied by gravity, weight gain and genetic factors, these effects on the skin may be faster. The inner parts of the legs are also areas that experience these effects. Due to the sagging of the skin on the inside of the legs, there is an irritation effect on the area even when people walk. A rash may occur on irritated skin. In addition, this can turn into an aesthetic problem. For these reasons, intra-leg stretching may be required.


In the thigh lift surgery, the excess skin in the area is removed according to the degree of sagging in the patient. The more the sagging affects the inner parts of the leg, the greater the scar can be left after the surgery. In some patients, skin sagging is limited to the inguinal region only. In this case, the incision made in the surgery is only in the groin area. At the end of the surgery, the scars are hidden inside the underwear and the incision is stitched.


Intra-leg stretching surgery takes about 2-4 hours. If general anesthesia was used in the surgery, patients can be discharged from the hospital the next day. The type of anesthesia to be used in the surgery is decided according to the patient's condition and demand. If the skin sagging in the leg is excessive, general anesthesia may be preferred for the comfort of the patient, since the operation will take a long time. However, it is possible to perform the surgery with local anesthesia.


Patients undergo an evaluation before surgery. At this stage, the degree of sagging of the skin and the thickness of the fat tissue under the skin are determined. If there is sagging in the legs mostly caused by weight gain and loss, the skin thickness of the patients is also higher. The adipose tissue accumulated in this region also increases. In these patients, intra-leg stretching surgery and liposuction are performed together. These applications allow the patient to have legs that look more aesthetically pleasing.


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