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Eyebrow Transplantation

The importance of eyebrows, which affect the aura of the face, is quite large for both men and women. Eyebrows, which give a characteristic feature to the face, are very important in the first impression. Eyebrows, which affect the general facial expression of the person, may fall out and thin out over time. Damage to hair follicles, genetic and environmental factors can cause eyebrows to fall out. In such cases, you should meet Glow Hair Clinic's eyebrow transplant application. You can make your face look much more lively and younger with our eyebrow transplant specialists, who give your eyebrows a more beautiful characteristic than before.

What is Eyebrow Transplantation and Why Is It Done?

Eyebrows usually lose their form with the advancement of age. Dense hair follicles at young ages begin to thin out with age. However, in some cases, age-related eyebrow loss may occur. The exact cause of this is unknown. However, it is predicted that the destruction of the hair follicles may be effective in this. Ringworm and thyroid disorders are the leading factors that can damage hair follicles. Eyebrow loss is an important aesthetic problem for both men and women. The effect of eyebrows, which complements the masculine expression in men and the feminine expression in women, is different at every age. The use of eyebrow pencils for spilled eyebrows is also far from providing naturalness. Eyebrow transplantation provides a permanent solution to this.

Before Eyebrow Transplant

Before eyebrow transplantation, it is important to get support from an experienced specialist in this field. The eyebrow transplant specialist, who evaluates the eyebrows of the person, first determines the eyebrow shape that suits the person most angularly. At this stage, it is decided how the eyebrow density should be according to the hair volume. In addition, the gaps between the two eyebrows and the lengths of the two eyebrows are determined. The procedures in eyebrow transplantation are not similar to applications such as eyebrow dyeing, temporary tattooing, permanent tattooing. During sowing, the hair follicles are transplanted into the eyebrow area one by one. The transplanted hair follicles are not visible at all after the effect of the FUE technique. The person can use their transplanted eyebrows like their natural eyebrows.

How is Eyebrow Transplantation Provided a Natural Appearance?

In the eyebrow transplantation performed with the FUE method, the angle of the hair follicles taken from the nape area behind the ear and the exit angle of the hair follicles in the eyebrow area to be transplanted are different from each other. While the exit angle of the hair follicles is 45 degrees, this measure is narrower in the eyebrows, that is, 20 degrees. While eyebrow transplantation is performed, transplantation should be done in accordance with the structure of the eyebrows. In addition, in eyebrow transplantation, it should be planted on a line that is curved to the sides, starting straight in accordance with the anatomical structure of the eyebrows. Not all hair follicles in this line are at the same angle. When planting the hair root, the appropriate planting angle should be used. Therefore, the eyebrow transplant specialist should pay attention to this both when planting hair follicles and opening the channels. After the eyebrow transplantation, the eyebrows should be like the natural appearance.

Before and After Eyebrow Transplantation

In eyebrow transplantation, the hair follicles start to grow after an average of 3 months after they are placed. Before, as in every planting process, there may be shedding in the form of breakage in the hair follicles. The new shape of the eyebrows is completed within 7-12 months.

In the first stage, since the growth rate of the eyebrow hairs and the hair transplanted from the hair area is different, there is more elongation in the transplanted hair follicles. This situation can be corrected by shortening the eyebrows about once every 15 days. Women normally trim their eyebrows close to these times. Therefore, we can say that this is not a problem. After a certain period of time, the newly planted hair follicles will also adapt to the eyebrows. It will have a growth rate like your previous eyebrows. Especially in the second year, you can catch it.


There is no shedding in the hair follicles transplanted after eyebrow transplantation. In any case, the hair follicles in the nape area do not fall out genetically. Re-doing this process can only be done at the request of the person. After the new eyebrow shape finds its form in a year, the person may want to have a slightly more intense eyebrow. But this should not be exaggerated either. The eyebrow shape should be suitable for the density of the hair and the face of the person. It should also be taken into account that the skin cannot remove the excess hair follicle.


Women show great interest in eyebrow transplantation. Women attach more importance to visual beauty. They also know how important eyebrows are in facial beauty. Therefore, those who have sparse eyebrows, thick eyebrow fashion that is effective in the society, and those who have open areas in their eyebrows due to diseases and injuries want to have eyebrow transplantation. In addition, those who want to give their eyebrows the shape they want permanently are at the forefront of those who want to have eyebrow transplantation.


There are two techniques that can be used in eyebrow transplantation. These are the methods used in hair transplantation. There is a difference between the FUT and FUE methods only in the removal of hair follicles. However, even this difference has a positive effect on patients. Because in the FUE technique, which is generally used for eyebrow transplantation, no incision is made. Therefore, eyebrow transplantation is not an application that leaves a trace in patients. Hair follicles are taken one by one without incision and transplanted into the eyebrow area. There is no problem of scarring in the place where the hair follicles are taken or where they are planted. In the first stage, traces in the form of white dots lose their effect in a short time.


Eyebrow transplantation, which is performed by transplanting hair follicles from the nape to the eyebrow area, is a very popular application in recent years. With personalized planning, hair follicles should be planted at appropriate angles and in a direction that will adapt to the eyebrows. Local anesthesia is first applied to people who will have eyebrow transplantation. Since the FUE technique is also used during transplantation, no incision is made in any area. Eyebrow transplantation is completed without the patients feeling any pain.

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