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Beard Transplantation

The beard part, which is among the parts that men care about on the face, is among the parts of the body where the most hair loss is experienced. In addition to the reduction of beards over time, in some cases, beards are either congenitally sparse or no beard at all. Changing this situation and having thick beards is possible in a short time thanks to our hair transplant centers. Thanks to beard transplantation, it is extremely easy for sparse beards to grow thicker. With the hair transplantation process, which is one of the hair transplant procedures, the sparse beards of the people are made healthier and thicker. The sparse beards that make men unhappy can be treated in a very short time. There are different beard transplantation applications for beard transplantation.

How is Beard Transplantation Applied?

The question of how beard transplantation is applied is very curious by individuals who will have beard transplantation. It is also a matter of curiosity who can benefit from this aesthetic intervention. For beard transplantation, the ages at which men fully recover hormonally are generally preferred. Especially for the 20 and 22 age range, beard transplantation is extremely effective. However, individuals older than this age can easily have their beards transplanted.

If there is a special situation in individuals who want to have a beard transplant, this must be told to the specialist. Although beard transplantation is mostly performed using needles, our center resorts to local anesthesia if individuals with needle phobia want to have a beard planted.

How Should Channels Be Opened in Beard Transplantation Operation?

In beard cultivation, an area should be created for the cultivation of hair follicles. It is easier to open this with a needle, not by opening channels as in hair transplantation, to give the right angle. Therefore, it is more appropriate to open channels by piercing with fine-tipped needles with a thickness of 0.6-0.7 mm. In this way, hair roots can be planted at 35-40 degree angles, which are necessary for beard transplantation.

What are Beard Transplant Prices?

Prices for beard transplantation vary depending on whether people’s beards are sparse or dense. If it is completely cornered, the price is slightly higher. How much hair will be transplanted to the beard part of the person is extremely important in terms of aesthetic concern. Depending on how large a beard transplant is performed or how many grafts are used, the fee charged to the patient varies. In order to obtain clear information about the price, the patient should first be examined and have the beard density measured.

From the examination, how much to be transplanted to the beard is determined and a price is calculated accordingly. However, it is extremely important to look at the experience of the doctor or the history of the clinic rather than the price in beard transplantation.

Can it be done together with hair transplantation?

Along with beard transplantation, hair transplantation can also be done. The main reasons for beard transplantation are; Hair loss in the beard area due to genetic reasons, permanent hair loss as a result of injury or accident, local hair loss due to burns, congenital sparseness of beard density, occurrence of some disorders that cause beard loss, hair due to gender change It can be expressed as loss of hair or no beard in cornered people. Due to these and similar reasons, individuals apply to our hair transplant clinic.

How do you know if a beard transplant is successful?

The transplanted beards should settle on the transplanted area within 3 to 4 months and start to grow in a healthy way. From 8 to 9 months, you should have a beard that you use in your normal life. This shows that the beard transplant has been carried out successfully.

The failure rate in beard transplantation is very low. The hair follicles taken must be transplanted into the beard quickly and collected correctly from the donor area. For this reason, it is important to choose surgeons who are experienced in beard and hair transplantation.

Things to consider after beard transplant

Since beard transplantation is a risk-free procedure, serious side effects do not occur after the procedure. In addition, a certain amount of time is needed for the beard to grow properly and grow healthy. After beard transplantation, vague redness may occur. This should not be a concern as it is temporary. 48 hours after beard transplantation, the area is cleaned by experts and clot residues are removed. About 2 weeks after the procedure, the hairs begin to feed well, and therefore, minor bleeding is observed. This is a natural condition and shows that the hair follicles are adequately nourished.


Beard transplantation, in the face area; It is a surgical operation in which hair follicles taken from suitable areas are added to the missing parts of the face for people with regional losses such as beard breakage, burn scars and scars.


Beard transplantation is performed with local anesthesia through our expert surgeons and does not leave any pain, ache or scar. The process is completed in 1 to 3 hours, depending on the person.


Shock shedding occurs between 2 and 6 weeks in beard transplantation as in hair transplantation. This shedding is a normal and expected process. Beards lost with shock shedding 4-8. It comes out in a month not to be spilled again. Normal use of the transplanted beard takes approximately 1 year, after which you can use your beard as you wish.


The redness that occurs during beard transplantation goes away on its own within a few days. The same redness can be seen in the donor area taken for beard transplantation.


After beard transplantation, the wounds in the areas where the canal is opened and in the donor area heal in 1 to 15 days. The redness and crusty structure observed after the operation completely heals within 15 days.

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